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Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership: working for you...
Every person has a right to feel safe. We work together with various organisations across Suffolk to ensure that they work together to keep those at risk from abuse or neglect
As a partnership we work to:
Prevent abuse and neglect from happening
Listen to people with lived experiences, learning lessons from them that help improve Suffolk systems
Promote wellbeing and safety
Hold our partners and other agencies to account for undertaking safeguarding duties and scrutinise safeguarding actions and outcomes
Inform, teach, support, advise, and be part of the safeguarding network in Suffolk
Who’s in the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership?
As statutory partners required by law, health, police, and social care are at the heart of the SSP, however our network has thousands of people in it such as district and borough councils, the housing sector, probation, Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, all the way out to smaller organisations and those in the voluntary and community sector who also play a huge role in keeping people safe in Suffolk.
We are overseen by an Executive group and have strong governance arrangements across adults and children’s. You can read more about those arrangements on our About Us and Governance pages.
“Safeguarding is everyone’s business”
What you can do?
Children, young people, and adults make the communities we live in and these communities have a vital part to play in preventing, detecting, and reporting neglect, abuse and exploitation and other criminal behaviour such as scamming. We ask you to join us, along with our professional colleagues that make up the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership, to:
Prevent abuse from happening
Protect those being abused
Take action.
Watch our short video on raising awareness of safeguarding for children and vulnerable adults in our community, and find out what to do if you see something that just doesn’t feel quite right. The message is simple…see it, recognise it, report it.
What is the Children’s Social Care National Framework?
Below is an animated guide to the Framework that can help you understand how it works within children’s social care.
“See it, recognise it, report it.”