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Safeguarding Adults Week
18-22 November 2024
This year the focus from the Ann Craft Trust will be on working in partnership.
"Safeguarding Adults Week is a time for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues.
We believe that working in partnerships allows us to share our knowledge of safeguarding, learn from others and ultimately create safer cultures.
During Safeguarding Adults Week 2024, we'll be collaborating with our partners to explore a different safeguarding theme each day. The themes will encourage us to consider how we can work together to establish safer cultures within our workplaces and communities."
You can learn more about the themes for the week from Ann Craft Trust by following the link above, and below are some links to information, guidance and other material from SSP.
Suffolk Trading Standards also offer some resources to help you keep yourself safe:
How to 'Take a Stand Against Scams' with Suffolk Trading Standards https://suffolk.gov.uk/community-and-safety/suffolk-trading-standards/scams
Information on how to buy wisely and safely from doorstep sellers https://suffolk.gov.uk/community-and-safety/suffolk-trading-standards/fair-trading/rogue-traders
How to take action on unwanted cold callers at your door https://suffolk.gov.uk/community-and-safety/suffolk-trading-standards/fair-trading/no-cold-calling-zones
Find a trader you know you can trust https://suffolk.gov.uk/community-and-safety/suffolk-trading-standards/trusted-trader/find-a-trusted-trader
Find out how to sign up to help Trading Standards in the fight against scams and rogue traders https://suffolk.gov.uk/community-and-safety/suffolk-trading-standards/become-a-consumer-champion
This year the focus from the Ann Craft Trust will be on working in partnership

Event | Detail |
As a supporter of The Ann Craft Trust, you are welcome to attend our AGM. After the AGM, we will be joined by Steve Kiekopf and Tracy Girling from Sense, who will lead a seminar on Understanding Consent and Choice. |
1.30 pm – 2.45 pm: Ann Craft Trust AGM & Safeguarding Seminar – Sense on Understanding Consent and Choice |
National County Lines Coordination Centre (NCLCC), Forced Home Invasion ‘Cuckooing’ Webinar |
11:00am - 12:00pm: Forced Home Invasion ‘Cuckooing’ Webinar |
Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership, Professional curiosity |
Read Professional Curiosity — Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership |
Norfolk Safeguarding Adult Board, Look, Listen, Ask – Developing Professional Curiosity Helen Thacker, Head of Service – Safeguarding, Adult Social Services Becky Booth, Deputy Manager, NSAB |
10am - 11am: Look, Listen, Ask – Developing Professional Curiosity |
Event | Detail |
The Ann Craft Trust, In this free seminar for Safeguarding Adults Week, co-production team members from Camphill Village Trust will discuss how they draw from the lived experience of the people they support to develop safeguarding best practice. |
10.00 am – 11.00 am – Camphill Village Trust & The Voice of Lived Experience |
The Ann Craft Trust, In this session we will explore what professional boundaries are, and how you can implement them. We will also explore the benefits and challenges that professional boundaries can bring, along with the impact of not having clear boundaries in place. |
1.30 pm – 2.30 pm – Understanding Professional Boundaries |
Norfolk Safeguarding Adult Board, Modern Slavery in the Care Sector Case Study: A case study in partnership power told through interview format with multiple guest speakers presented by Sarah-Jane Niles, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Coordinator, Norfolk Anti-Slavery Network. |
10am -11am - Modern Slavery in the Care Sector Case Study |
Event | Detail |
The Ann Craft Trust, Our conference provides a selection of informative keynotes and workshops that enable you to learn about effective techniques for safeguarding the wellbeing of yourself, your staff and the people you support. |
9.00 am – 4.30 pm – Working in Partnership – The Ann Craft Trust Safeguarding Adults Conference 2024 |
Norfolk Safeguarding Adult Board, Reporting Modern Slavery: When is a Concern a Crime and what next? The complexity of safeguarding in suspected Modern Slavery experienced by Healthcare Professionals. Guest Speakers, presented by Sarah-Jane Niles, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Coordinator, Norfolk Anti-Slavery Network. |
10am – 11am - Reporting Modern Slavery: When is a Concern a Crime and what next? |
Event | Detail |
The Ann Craft Trust, The seminar will explore signs and symptoms of County Lines activity, while providing an overview of the County Lines picture locally and nationally. We will also discuss how your organisation can help tackle exploitation in your community. |
10.00 am – 11.00 am – Understanding County Lines |
The Ann Craft Trust, This free online Webinar will discuss the findings of a Nuffield Foundation Research Project focused on the links between cognitive impairment and exploitation. |
12.30 pm – 1.30 pm – Evidencing Links Between Cognitive Impairment & Exploitation |
Norfolk Safeguarding Adult Board, SAR S Learning - Paul Nicolls, Independent Report Writer |
2pm – 3pm - SAR S Learning |
Care Knowledge, WEBINAR - Cuckooing: Multi-Agency Safeguarding, Powers and Practice |
Webinar: Cuckooing | CareKnowledge |
Event | Detail |
The Ann Craft Trust, We’ll discuss how we can create environments in our sport that will help participants avoid distress and poor mental health in the first place. We’ll also look at how building better relationships can help us respond more effectively to incidents, so we can offer the support people need, when they need it. |
10.00 am – 11.00 am – Mental Health and Wellbeing in Sport With Sport Wales |
Norfolk Safeguarding Adult Board, ‘In conversation with Michael Preston-Shoot’ - 2pm – 2:45pm – Organisational abuse (and early warnings) and 3pm – 3:45pm – Transitional Safeguarding |
2pm – 2.45pm and 3pm – 3.45pm - In conversation with Michael Preston-Shoot |
Care Knowledge, WEBINAR - Violence Free Futures for Children and Young People: High Stakes, Uncomfortable Truths, Creating the Conditions for Real Change |
Webinar: Violence Free Futures | CareKnowledge |
Event | Detail |
National Centre for Domestic Violence |
Domestic Violence Training - NCDV |
Safer Places Professional Training and Development |
Safer Places Professional Training and Development Events - 17 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite |