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I’m a young person, what should safeguarding mean to me?
All adults have a responsibility to protect you. The agencies that work with us are called our Partners. The Partnership has an Independent Chair called Anthony Douglas, who asks these different Partners lots of questions to make sure they are doing all that they can to keep children in Suffolk safe. By being independent the chair should be able to look at things without favouritism.
Safeguarding is essentially just another way of saying ‘keeping people safe’ and wherever they are and whatever they are doing, whether at home, at school or online, everyone has the right to feel safe and happy, be healthy, have an education and a home and grow up safe from people hurting them or failing to ensure that they are cared for.
Working Together to Safeguard Children
The Government have produced a guide especially for young people to explain what different professionals such as teachers, doctors, school nurses, health visitors, social workers and other organisations working with you and your family, should be doing to improve your life and to keep you safe from abuse and neglect.
The Government have also produced another guide especially for young people about child abuse and neglect; what it is, what rights you have as a young person, what you should do if you think you are being abused and what professionals who work with young people should be doing to keep them safe.
If you are worried about the safety of yourself, a friend or relative don’t be afraid to speak to a grown-up you trust. Teachers, police officers they are all here to make sure you and your friends are kept safe.