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Help and Support in Suffolk
These are some of the places where you can access help, information and advice on a range of topics.
The Source
One of the main websites for finding information and advice in Suffolk for young people is The Source. The Source is managed by the Engagement Hub within Health, Wellbeing and Children's Services at Suffolk County Council but it is part of a much bigger service that works to support children, young people and families.
The Source has lots of information and advice available to everyone on lots of different subjects including learning, work, health, relationships, housing, money, leisure and transport. You can visit their website to find out more.
They can also help you to contact and get support from a Youth Worker.
4YP is a local charity, which provides guidance and support with issues such as emotional wellbeing, housing and benefits, life skills, budgeting and signposting to other services such as legal advice, healthy living and volunteering. Some of the service 4YP offer are:
Drop-in service
Groups and activities
Ask the 4YP expert
Facilities at 4YP
Helpful Resources
Let's Stop Abuse Together - A useful resource for survivors of abuse, Professionals, Parents and Carers
Non Judgemental Information and Advice about Crime and Criminality - A Safe Place: Fearless
‘Is This OK?’ is a free, confidential and anonymous, digital gateway for young people aged between 13-18 at risk of, or currently experiencing, sexual or criminal exploitation and/or abuse.
Children and young people can:
Seek local information / support,
Talk to a chatbot
Speak to a trained professional.
The pilot has been funded by BBC Children in Need and delivered in partnership by Missing People and NSPCC/Childline. John Moore University is evaluating the project.
During the initial pilot phase (Sept 2019 – March 2020), the chatbot was accessed 1,746 times. As a result, 344 live chats were initiated by young people; 214 (62%) of these were ‘engaged chats.’ This means the young people were supported to explore risks and their options; and/or helped by an advisor to stay safe; and/or signposted to another service for help. The average length of a chat is around 30 minutes with the longest chat lasting almost three hours.
From the initial findings, online chat works for young people. Young people have said that they are more likely to seek help from professionals via text and online chat where these channels are available.