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How can a social worker help you?
When someone has a worry about the safety or wellbeing of a child they make a referral to Suffolk’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
When agencies agree there is a worry, one option is for a social worker to undertake a statutory assessment with you.
Your social worker is there to help and support you and your family make things better for your child. They will help you understand what people are worried about. They will ask you questions about what is working well for you as well as any worries you have.
They will also speak with your child to make sure they understand what life is like for them.
They will want to build a safe and trusting relationship with you and your child and any wider family you want to involve.
Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is responsible for:
Regulating the treatment, care and support provided by hospitals, GPs dentists, ambulances and mental health services.
Regulating the treatment, care and support services for adults in care homes and in people's own homes (both personal and nursing care).
Regulating the services for people whose rights are restricted under the Mental Health Act.
The CQC carries out its work by:
Registering providers to operate services if they meet essential standards of quality and safety.
Making unannounced inspections of services at least once a year and at any time in response to concerns.
Monitoring providers' performance through inspections, data analysis and other checks.
Taking action, including enforcement, when we find services aren't meeting the standards.
Protecting patients whose rights are restricted under the Mental Health Act, including those on Community Treatment Orders.
Listening to you and others about your experiences of care and involving you in helping us make decisions.
Keeping you updated on the performance of services in England.