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Safeguarding Adults Framework
The Safeguarding Adults Framework has been developed by multi-agency partners of the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership in consultation with a number of organisations across Suffolk.
It's a handy tool that aims to assist practitioners and their organisations with a common understanding of indicators of abuse. It will help identify the abuse type and what, if any, interventions are required (such as reporting a safeguarding concern), and can be used at any time.
To help you get to grips with the Framework and how to use it, we’ve developed a short, informative e-learning module open to all organisations which guides you through the Framework, giving practical examples of how to apply it. The link the course is: https://www.suffolkcpd.co.uk/app/learner/resources/13962
Threshold Document and Guidance
The Thresholds of Need Matrix has been compiled by the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership and partners. It meets the requirements of the Government’s ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018’
It is designed to help identify when a threshold has been reached, indicating when a child, young person or family might need support and then to identify where best to get this support from.
Children, young people, and their families have different levels of need and these may change over time.
The Signs of Safety and Wellbeing (SOS) model of intervention has been adopted by Suffolk County Council. It is an evidence based, solution focused model and provides a framework to capture and balance concerns and risks alongside strengths. The Threshold Matrix and Guidance should be used to inform SOS practice and interventions.
Disabled Children
The Disabled Children and Young People service have created a threshold and eligibility document, which are accessible below by clicking on the links.