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Document Library

A complete list of all our policies, procedures and practice guidance, in addition to other resources.

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Directory of files
Document Category
Self-neglect and / or hoarding policy Protection
Child protection core group guidance Protection
Suffolk Threshold Matrix 2024 Protection
Private fostering statement of purpose Fostering
Private fostering protocol Fostering
Arrangements for supporting and safeguarding unaccompanied asylum seeking children Asylum
Working with sexually active young people under the age of 18 Sex
Collaborative casework – good practice example Casework
Children who move across local authority boundaries Boundaries
Principles of safeguarding supervision Supervision
2019-20 Annual Report Report
Safeguarding children who may have been trafficked Trafficking
Collaborative casework protocol Casework
2020-21 Annual Report Report
Suffolk County Council safeguarding policy Policy
Protocol for the investigation of child abuse Abuse
Multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) Collaboration
Managing professional disputes Professional
My non-independently mobile child has a bruise / unexplained mark or injury Injury
Potentially dangerous persons protocol Protocol
Working with hard to engage families Professional
Safeguarding children from dangerous dogs Animals
Multi-agency escalation process Collaboration
A quick guide for professionals who don’t work in domestic violence services Abuse
Modern slavery protocol Protocol
An introduction to Adult Safeguarding Adults
Adult safeguarding enquiries in secure settings Adults
Support following suicide (AMPARO) Suicide
Suggested forms for recording people in positions of trust cases Recording
Autism and mental health Autism
Suffolk Police behaviour change referral form Referral
Child protection concerns Protection
Child protection conference Protection
Child safeguarding postcard Safeguarding
Safeguarding training for employees and volunteers Training
COVID-19 safeguarding concerns Covid-19
Crisis Tools learning guides Mental health
Crisis Tools introduction Mental health
Crisis Tools resource hub Mental health
Introduction to Safeguarding Safeguarding
Domestic Abuse Act Legislation
Domestic abuse toolkit Abuse
Domestic abuse poster (Lithuanian) Abuse
Domestic abuse poster (Polish) Abuse
Domestic abuse poster (Portuguese) Abuse
Domestic abuse poster (Romanian) Abuse
Domestic abuse poster (Russian) Abuse
Domestic abuse poster (Spanish) Abuse
Staying safe online Online safety
Staying safe online: paying for games, apps and downloads Online safety
Staying safe online: shopping online Online safety
Staying safe online: useful websites Online safety
Abusive teenage relationships Abuse
Female genital mutilation poster Abuse
Female genital mutilation booklet Abuse
Financial abuse practice guidance Abuse
Safe enquiries about domestic abuse Abuse
Guidance for dealing with domestic abuse Abuse
Guide for parents choosing a private tutor, coach or club Support
Honour based abuse, forced marriage and female genital mutilation guidance Abuse
Registering on Suffolk CPD Online Registration
Introduction to Safeguarding Children training Training
E-learning module focussed on child victims of modern slavery Modern slavery
Guide for parents choosing a private tutor, coach or club (Leaflet) Support
MACE Referral Form Referral
Managing organisational safeguarding concerns policy Professional
Martha's Rule Legislation
MASH Professional Consultation Line Professional
Beneath the clutter: George and Melissa's story Case study
Modern slavery and human trafficking Modern slavery
Adult modern slavery protocol for local authorities Modern slavery
Adult modern slavery protocol for local authorities: duties and powers Modern slavery
Multi-agency guidance on concealed or denied pregnancy Pregnancy
Multi-agency self-neglect and hoarding risk assessment guidance tool Risk assessment
Female genital mutilation poster Abuse
Male circumcision Circumcision
Key safeguarding employment standards Employment
Concerns about management and leadership Management
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic Covid-19
Philomena Protocol Missing children
Guidance for planning pre-birth assessments under safeguarding procedures Pre-birth assessments
Pre-birth assessment tool Pre-birth assessments
Pre-birth referrals, assessments and planning flowchart Pre-birth assessments
Prevention of forced marriage during extended visits overseas Abuse
Private fostering policy Fostering
MASH professional consultation line leaflet Professional
Safeguarding children who may have been trafficked Trafficking
Safeguarding children who may be privately fostered Fostering
Responding to position of trust concerns Professional
Safeguarding adults framework presentation Safeguarding
Safeguarding children who may be forced into marriage Abuse
Safeguarding concerns and signposting guidance: accessing services Safeguarding
Safeguarding policy template Policy
Safeguarding policy toolkit Policy
Safeguarding adults postcard Safeguarding
Abusive relationship poster (Bright Sky) Abuse
Domestic abuse poster (Arabic) Abuse
Domestic abuse poster (French) Abuse
Safeguarding response to obesity when neglect is an issue Abuse
SafeLives Dash risk checklist Abuse
Safety planning advice Safety
Self-neglect/hoarding referral form for professionals Referral
Self-neglect and hoarding presentation Abuse
Self-neglect and hoarding pathway for professionals Professional
What to do if you need urgent police help through the 999 service, but can’t speak Emergencies
Quality assurance process for safeguarding training Professional
Professional curiosity Professional
7 Minute Briefing Template #1 Legislation
7 Minute Briefing Template #2 Legislation
Inclusion strategy Professional
Practice Review Guidance Professional
Quality assurance framework Professional
Section 11 Audit Professional
Section 11 Audit Guidance Professional
Safeguarding Adults framework Safeguarding
Multi-agency safeguarding policy Policy
Domestic abuse and sexual violence support services Abuse
Safeguarding children under 1 from non-accidental injury caused by male carers Abuse
‘T’ Case Study – Self-Neglect and Hoarding Case Study
County Lines - briefing for partners Drugs
Victim care support flyer Victims
Our vision: working to keep adults safe Safeguarding
What to do if you believe a child or young person might be at risk of suicide Suicide
Document Category