Baby MF Summary

Baby MF was found unconscious with shallow breathing on the 29th of June 2023. The previous day Baby MF’s mother had been to the GP concerned that MF was sleeping excessively, was crying, wasn’t smiling, or interacting and had been arching his back when placed on his back and seemed in pain. The GP urged her to take Baby MF to the Paediatric Assessment Unit, however she didn’t have any transport, so an appointment was arranged for the following day. Baby MF developed shallow breathing and a high-pitched cry that evening and went floppy with a fixed stare. Baby MF was taken to Ipswich hospital by ambulance and then taken to Addenbrookes Hospital with a severe bleed on the brain and there were suspicions that it wasn’t a non-accidental injury. Baby MF’s injuries have been confirmed as non-accidental. Baby MF is now a Looked After Child under a Section 20 arrangement and is living with paternal grandparents. No one in the family is admitting to causing the physical harm (head injury) to Baby MF. Care proceedings are being initiated seeking Interim Care Orders. Baby MF’s mother and father

had separated. In August 2022 MF’s mother disclosed that MF’s father had been emotionally and physically abusive towards her. A safeguarding referral was made, and immediate safety planning took place. Contact between Baby MF’s father and Baby MF was taking place at the paternal grandparents’ home. The MASH outcome was no further action as they were content that Baby MF’s mother was a protective factor for him. The Health Visitor

visited the home on the 29th of March 2023 and noted that a new partner was living with Baby MF’s mother and children. The new partner presented considerable risks which included drug use, mental health concerns, involvement in gang culture in Ipswich along with three impending prosecutions for failing to comply with community orders and one conviction for burglary The new partner had a son with a previous partner and there had been evidence of domestic abuse in this relationship. The partner’s son was the subject of care proceedings in 2019/20 and was only able to spend time with him supervised by the paternal grandparents. There is evidence that Baby MF was being left alone with the new partner.

The history of the new partner  and the risks that he posed weren’t fully considered or explored by Health or CYPS. Health and CYPS didn’t explore fully what was known about him and CYPS were unaware that Baby MF was being left alone with the new partner. The views of the previous partner, Baby MF’s father and MF’s grandparents weren’t obtained for the social work assessment.